business objects list users in group

Check back regularly for updates! You already have the user and user group infoobjects. Copyright | Published on 06 Feb 2023. SELECT Top 2000 * FROM CI_INFOOBJECTS where Si_KIND='WebI'. E.g. If no errors in formatting are found, the, button is enabled. Hi Bsharper, If your AD group is mapped to the server then you able to see all the users belong to the group by running the command. Job Description. SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform 4.2 ; SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform 4.3 Keywords. CI_APPOBJECTS: Contains objects that represent Business Objects Enterprise applications, such as universe, universe folder. Always make sure Single & Double quotes involved in the queries as expected by the standard format. Group by business objects Posted by previous_toolbox_user 2009-10-13T11:54:00Z. meilleures sries 2020 inrocks. SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.1 Keywords. Optionally, type the users e-mail address. If the conflicting accounts are identical to . Does a barbarian benefit from the fast movement ability while wearing medium armor? Once SAP BusinessObjects BI Platform 4.2 SP7is installed, you can create a subdirectory for all Suite standard and Analysis Center reports and configure individual BusinessObjects user accounts: Creating groups for the types of user accounts and then assigning the groups to the user accounts aids in maintaining the security rights and privileges for the user accounts. SELECT SI_ID, SI_NAME, SI_SCHEDULEINFO.SI_SCHEDULE_TYPE, SI_SCHEDULEINFO.SI_SCHEDULE_INTERVAL_NDAYS, SI_SCHEDULEINFO. Change the path to the scripts folder and run Add-ADUsers.ps1 PowerShell script to bulk add AD users to group. The airspace over a St Petersburg airport was temporarily closed on Tuesday morning amid unconfirmed reports that an . How do I get a list of Parameter Names, and their Types (string or numeric) using SQL ? The term "Broadcom" refers to Broadcom Inc. and/or its subsidiaries. operational data models. But it is throwing errors. By the way, it would be better to specify another filter on an indexed column (like SI_NAME, SI_KIND, SI_CREATION_TIME ) to avoid unnecessary work by CMS. How To Fetch User Group Details From SAP Business Intelligence/Objects 4.1/4.2 Servers. End users and data analysts can analyze data from list pages directly in the client without the need to open the page in Excel or run a report. How to prove that the supernatural or paranormal doesn't exist? Select SI_NAME, SI_USERFULLNAME, SI_ID, SI_NAMEDUSER From CI_SYSTEMOBJECTS Where SI_KIND='User' Order by SI_NAME, Select SI_ID, SI_NAME, SI_REL_USERGROUPS, SI_USERGROUPS, SI_GROUP_MEMBERS, SI_SUBGROUPS from CI_SYSTEMOBJECTS where SI_KIND = 'UserGroup' order by SI_NAME. \SAP BusinessObjects\SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 4.2\wdeploy\conf. The following changes need to be applied using the Central Management Console on the BusinessObjects server: To modify the file: To create a backup of the custom configuration, store a copy of all the custom configuration files in a separate location or network drive. Use get-adobject to find all security groups, and put their distinguished names in a hash table. Is it possible to find embedded image properties in webi report with admin query. By using this website, you agree with our Cookies Policy. Full-Time. CI_SYSTEMOBJECTS: Contains objects that are often used by administrator, includes internal system objects, such as servers, events, and user groups. Please suggest me. --EXEC MASTER..XP_CMDSHELL 'dsquery group -name "Group_Name" | dsget group -members -expand -c | dsget user -samid -c'. Browse other questions tagged, Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers, Reach developers & technologists worldwide. When I save the document as directed and try to run the script it throws up an error on line 89, which is the following line on the code, set oSessionMgr = CreateObject("CrystalEnterprise.SessionMgr"), Error Message says " ActiveX component can't create object CrystalEnterprise.SessionMgr. Hi, I created a report in BO XI in which 2 of the columns represent customers and orders of customers. BusinessObjects Query builder Best practices & Usability, BusinessObjects Query builder queries Part II, BusinessObjects Query builder queries Part III, BusinessObjects Query builder queries Part IV, BusinessObjects Query builder Exploring Visualization Objects, BusinessObjects Query builder Exploring Monitoring Objects, BusinessObjects Query builder Exploring Lumira & Design studio Objects, BusinessObjects Environment assessment using Query builder, BusinessObjects Environment Cleanup using Query builder, BusinessObjects Query builder Whats New in BI 4.0. I need to do this, as the BO4 REST service to retrieve this information takes 2-4 minutes to run, even with "lovInfo=false" at the end of the URL: http://YOUR_SERVER_NAME:6405/biprws/raylight/v1/documents/11729/parameters?lovInfo=false. Navigate to Azure Active Directory ( and select 'Groups'. SiteMinder authenticates with Suite during initial login. The correct way is to get this detail from CMS DB. I am executing the below query but separately.But not sure how to find the relation between the user and the user group. -Once logged in, enter the following query into the Query Text box at the top of the page to return a list of all Users and hit 'Submit Query': SELECT SI_OWNER FROM CI_INFOOBJECTS WHERE SI_PARENTID=18. I can not find the table that contains the groups. This thread already has a best answer. assigned groups. 1: In order to run this script on a windows platform, you need to have Microsoft Excel and BusinessObjects Client Tools installed on that box. by | Jun 10, 2022 | tropico 6 dlc, festival | haiti harrison death 2015 | Jun 10, 2022 | tropico 6 dlc, festival | haiti harrison death 2015 How to Enable Single Sign-On (SSO) for SAP Business One? Query Builder - Business Intelligence (BusinessObjects) - SCN Wiki . And Last but not the least, if you are planning to run it in a production environment and if you have a lot of Users and Groups in your environment, you might want to run it in a non-load time to avoid any unnecessary load on the CMS. GetByKey() not working in some users in SAP B1, SAP B1 Choose from list employee but show name instead of code, Bulk update symbol size units from mm to map units in rule-based symbology. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. Need format changes to the expected output excel and additional field values (Last Logon time). Can you suggest a query to get the successful instance countwithin specific folder and for specific date. BI, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, Excel, xlsx, xls, all folders, rights, list out, display . ASSA ABLOY Global Solutions is rolling out SAP S/4 HANA across the Division which will enable and support its business expansion strategy in line with the new operating business model. Location: India, Chennai. These licenses are released based on the timeout values specified for the BusinessObjects server and the Java application server used by BusinessObjects for BI Launch Pad. This person will be responsible for the administration and support of multiple SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise . For example, Users can search for a specific Group Member (example: Computer) or for any member of the group (example: Configuration Item), in which case the results will include matching records from any Group Member (example: Computer, Printer, etc. GO. We are trying to run this code in BO 4 but not able to run,could you please check your script file again. But it is throwing errors. To list the Groups where there are no users and no subgroups, use the following query: To modify group properties, select group Manage Properties. We have a "Group Self Visibility" access level that only includes the permission to "View objects" on Users (see first attachment). What is the variable to use to select users whose accounts have been disabled (Disabled option checked) ? A place where magic is studied and practiced? This can be viewed in the screen given below . Creating a Root BusinessObjects Directory, dialog box, type the name for the folder, and click. The users and user groups now appear on the. S. It seems that this GPO are deleted or created but not replicated to other domain controller. Type the following command and press the key to validate the configuration: Type the following command and press the key to deploy the BusinessObjects WAR files on Tomcat 7: window, right-click the Server Intelligence Agent and click, . It's included in RSAT and Server 2008/2012. To save the changes, click OK button. you may use KB 2369779 How to unlock the CMS database with new data access driver for BI 4.2 SP3 [VIDEO]. end-users access their business objects without cluttered interfaces, read this book." Rebecca Wirfs-Brock, co-author, Object Design An object should completely model the behaviour of that which it . SELECT SI_ID, SI_KIND, SI_NAME, SI_PROCESSINFO.SI_HAS_PROMPTS. I am able to run this query successfully. Contains objects that are often used by users, such as folders and reports. . Would you like to mark this message as the new best answer? As the on-premise BI layer for SAP's Business Technology Platform, it transforms data into useful insights, available anytime, anywhere. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. and includes a section listing Process Info (including the report's parameter names, etc). Hi All, I am searching for the scripts which gives details about Last access date of universe Universes and last date access of Webi reports and Related universe name.I trying to achieve my requirement through Excel Macro(scripts) not with Query Builder.Could you help in this? Have sampel auditing report but wonder if quick/easy way from CMC? gvIsAdmin) and set the value (true/false) by checking if the current user is listed in colAdminUsers. Suite authenticates with BusinessObjects using encrypted user names and passwords without further authentication with SiteMinder. Please see the following links that I think will solve your issue: BusinessObjects Query builder queries | SAP Blogs, BusinessObjects Query builder queries Part II | SAP Blogs, Query Builder - Business Intelligence (BusinessObjects) - SCN Wiki, How To Fetch User Group Details From SAP Business Intelligence/Objects 4.1/4.2 Servers. Money no object when you want the best in the business is RCB's watchword It won an intense bidding war with Mumbai Indians to pick Smriti; added overseas stars Perry, Schutt and Devine along . Namespace: microsoft.graph. Very nice blog and you have explained everything on query builder. how to get the Data security profile name from AdminTools query. The second command uses the Get-ADUser cmdlet to get ad users from a list of ad users and returns the display name. is it possible to query the comments solution table to get the context which was using for each front end tool to apply the comment ? tHANJKS Skip to Content since this script has been written for testing purpose only, ************ USE THIS SCRIPT AT YOUR OWN RISK ************, Set oSessionMgr = CreateObject(CrystalEnterprise.SessionMgr), Set oEnterpriseSession = oSessionMgr.Logon(UserId, Pwd, CMS, Auth), Set oInfoStore = oEnterpriseSession.Service(,InfoStore), strXlsFileName = c:\BusinessObjects Users.xls, Set objExcel = CreateObject(Excel.Application), Set objWorkbook = objExcel.Workbooks.Add(), Set objSheet = objExcel.ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(1), Set listOfGroups = oInfoStore.Query(SELECT TOP 100000 * FROM CI_SYSTEMOBJECTS WHERE SI_KIND=UserGroup'), Set oInfoObjects = oInfoStore.Query(SELECT TOP 100000 * FROM CI_SYSTEMOBJECTS WHERE SI_KIND=User'), We will start writing user alias data from row 2 in MS Excel file, Set user = oInfoObjects.Item(iterator).PluginInterface(), objSheet.Cells(intRow, 1).Value = user.title, Set groups = oInfoStore.Query(SELECT SI_NAME FROM CI_SYSTEMOBJECTS &_, WHERE SI_KIND=UserGroup AND SI_ID IN & clause), Write group names for the user to the MS Excel row, If groups.item(i).title = listOfGroups.item(j).title Then, objSheet.Cells(intRow, j+1).Value = groups.item(i).title, For intColumn = 1 to listOfGroups.Count+1. I don't know if you're going to get a lot of help on here. Retrieve a list of user objects.. SAP BO tool comes with large number of inbuilt tools . This will work well for all groups with less than 1500 members. Hello, unfortunatly the list returns multiple assignments of user-usergroup although user does not have to much assigned groups. WHERE SI_KIND = WEBI AND SI_INSTANCE = 0 AND SI_ANCESTOR = [SI_ID OF THE FOLDER]. Right-click the Apache Tomcat for BI 4 and click. Primary Job Purpose. I know that we can easily fetch these details from Query builder, but having these details in a webi report will be very handy for auditing purpose. This Java sample demonstrates logging on and off of Business Objects Enterprise XI R2 as well as scheduling, renaming, and viewing reports. It is correct that you can access this kind of data, from a WebService. You can suggest a query to get the group, universes, and folders. Contains JSP sample code pages that highlight features of the BusinessObjects Enterprise SDK, including authentication, scheduling, publishing, server . In the application, on the home page, click My Client Groups > Data Exchange. Check this video to start understand Business Objects Admin-~-~~-~~~-~~-~-Please watch: "Power BI Bookmark & Selection Pane Features | PBI Desktop" https://w. What video game is Charlie playing in Poker Face S01E07? Staging Ground Beta 1 Recap, and Reviewers needed for Beta 2, Sync Data between SAP and DataModels in Django, How to find a list of all User Security principals (users/user groups) for each folder in a SAP BusinesObject 3.1 envirnoment, Data Access in BusinessObjects through Active Directory Groups, pull and update data to SAP business one using PHP. SAP BusinessObjects - Known Issues & FAQs. dialog box, click a user name in the Available users/groups list, click the right- arrow button, and click, dialog box, click on a user name in the Available users/groups list, click the right- arrow button, and click, dialog box, click on the name of the group of designers in the Available users/groups list, click the right-arrow button, and click. This is an exciting opportunity where you will also lead improvement and optimization of the IPV and FVA processes and perform . colAdminUsers) and create a variable (e.g. SELECT SI_ID, SI_NAME, SI_PROMPTS.SI_USER FROM CI_INFOOBJECTS WHERE SI_KIND = 'CrystalReport', I try the above and it does not return SI_PROMPTS.SI_USER. Posted: January 25, 2023. If I try to search for it, I get no results. | SAP Blogs . I dont believe there is any type of export button there. When SiteMinder is enabled and a user logs in, Suite calls upon an external SiteMinder agent that validates the user, creates a cookie named SMSESSION, and returns that cookie back to the Suite application. I want to extract the user security information of a folder or an universe to find out the parent level user rights which has rights to access it. All Rights Reserved. SI_PROCESSINFO.SI_WEBI_PROMPTS, SI_PROCESSINFO.SI_FILES, SI_PROCESSINFO.SI_PROMPTS FROM CI_INFOOBJECTS, WHERE SI_KIND = WEBI and SI_INSTANCE = 0 and, To extract all the report names from specific folder, SELECT SI_ID,SI_NAME,SI_PARENT_FOLDER,SI_FILES, FROM CI_INFOOBJECTS WHERE SI_KIND = WEBI AND SI_INSTANCE = 0 AND SI_ANCESTOR = [SI_ID OF THE FOLDER], To get Reports those are spanning multiple universes, SELECT SI_ID, SI_KIND, SI_NAME FROM CI_INFOOBJECTS WHERE SI_UNIVERSE.SI_TOTAL>1, To list all the events and corresponding event file location, SELECT SI_ID, SI_NAME, SI_FEATURES FROM CI_SYSTEMOBJECTS WHERE SI_KIND= Event, To list all Scheduled reports based on event, SELECT SI_NAME, SI_SCHEDULEINFO FROM CI_INFOOBJECTS, WHERE SI_RUNNABLE_OBJECT = 1 AND SI_SCHEDULEINFO.SI_DEPENDENCIES.SI_TOTAL > 0, SELECT SI_NAME, SI_OWNER, SI_AUTHOR, SI_SCHEDULEINFO, SI_PARENT_FOLDER FROM CI_INFOOBJECTS WHERE SI_KIND = WEBI AND SI_CHILDREN = 0 AND SI_SCHEDULEINFO.SI_SCHED_NOW = 0, To get the list of all reports scheduled daily excluding Paused. If you haven't changed the default query timeout limit (of nine minutes), then that's probably the cause of your errors. Is this an SAP Business Objects question or an SAP Business One question? The Suite/BusinessObjects integration supports SiteMinder with LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol). In order to get more than 1000 objects we need to use 'Top N' function before the column listing in the query. Hello Manikandan, I work in Dallas and I thank you for writing this blog post. Mitratech recommends creating user groups for which the permissions can be configured and users assigned to the groups. How can I get the list of users and groups of Central Management Console, Re: How can I get the list of users and groups of Central Management Console. Russian media reports say unidenified object was spotted near Pulkovo Airport. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. Note: This request might have replication delays for users that were recently created, updated, or deleted. To list the top level Groups, which are at the root level in Group Hierarchy: To list the Groups where there are no users and no subgroups, use the following query: To list the Groups where there are no subgroups, use the following query: To list the Groups where there are no users, use the following query: And here is JAVA SDK code sample, which you can refer and fine tune according to your needs. To review the members of a group, click the Group Hierarchy link in the left pane, and double-click the group to view the users who are members of the selected group. Symptom. You can view a list of the upcoming meetings and view the location, check out the agenda details, and register for them by following the links below. In the Join Group: username dialog box, add the new user group to the Destination Group list We offer highly responsive customized as well as pre-packaged SAP Business Objects users mailing list that helps you target the right audience. Business Unit: Global IT. SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence Platform (BI) 4.x. See, Right-click the Suite database alias folder, and select, Expand the Bridgeway folder, right-click on the database alias folder, and select, Expand the database alias folder, right-click on the Analysis Center folder, and select, Expand the Analysis Center folder, right-click on a user folder, and select, Expand the user folder, right-click on the eCounsel (or Secretariat) folder, and select, In the Analysis Center folder, right-click on the Shared Reports folder, and select, Expand the Shared Reports folder, right-click on the eCounsel (or Secretariat) folder, and select, Right-click on the Bridgeway folder, and select, Expand the Shared Reports folder, right-click the eCounsel (or Secretariat) folder, and select, In the Servers List, right-click the Connection Server and select, For each of the following servers, right-click the server, select, Copyright 2023 Mitratech Success Center. Hi Ram, You can use the following command to list out all the users from an AD group. When a method is executed on a business object, the method can change the object's internal state, that is, the object's data. Wait until the service completely stops. $56 Hourly. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. As you can see below Figure the SAP BusinessObjects BI portfolio consists of three main categories: Discovery and Analysis. You should go with SI_PARENTID instead if you are interested only in documents. I dont believe there is any type of export button there. list, retrieve, all, users, in, group, how, to, query, builder biqb boxi bi bip 3.1 3 . For ex. You may be able to do it by writing a query against the CMS database. but you can see AD group users. SAP BusinessObjects Administrator will serve as an important member of LabCorp's Analytics team and will be focused on supporting Tier 1 Business Intelligence (BI) server administration. Hope this helps. 11 positions QA Automation Test Lead (Must have Lead experience), H1 OK Atlanta (JOBID: PRA1004), 10/4/12. -Use your Administrator credentials to log in here. pneu abim sur le flanc contrle technique. for more information concerning security. The View Business Objects table displays all the business objects supported by HCM Data Loader.. error. The imported user accounts are disabled by default. You can select any user from left side and use arrow key to add the user to selected group. Which users having access to which reports. When you need to assign same permissions to set of users, groups can be created, and users can be added to provide similar permissions. list, retrieve, all, users, in, group, how, to, query, builder biqb boxi bi bip 3.1 3.x 4.2 4.1 4.0 4.x subgroup , KBA , BI-BIP-ADM , BI Servers, security, Crystal Reports in Launchpad , BI-BIP-QB , Query Builder , Problem. Basics We are finding that when an Administrator logs in and uses the Query Builder mentioned in this post All users are returned as expected.. and return a list of reports those are using this table in their query. This will be handy for those who searching for Query Builder Queries. Dear All, I need the list of BO users and the User Groups to which the users are part of. Using groups, you can provide access to repository objects instead of managing single user permissions. How to handle a hobby that makes income in US. Some of the Query builder queries to explore the BusinessObjects repository. Reviewing Supported Objects. Under Google Workspace Sync section, carefully read the Account Conflict message, then click Resolve. The information below is intended to describe the minimal permissions needed for a user to begin working with Analysis Center. Get-AppxPackage -AllUsers | Select Name, PackageFullName > C:\Temp\applist.txt. delete user, bulk user delete, BI 4.1, text file , KBA , BI-DEV-JAV , BI Software Development Kits (SDKs) - Java , BI-BIP-ADM , BI Servers, security . Create the AzureAD group. Trademark, SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform 4.0 ; SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform 4.1 ; SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform 4.2 ; SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.1. Ok, you used the wrong tag (sapb1). If a SSO other than SiteMinder is used, the cookie does not exist and Suite cannot obtain the value that it needs to continue its authentication process. I am trying to fetch list of crystal reports from specific folder however I am getting duplicate records for example there are 104 reports but query builder shows 398 records. Once new group is created, you can add users, subgroups, and assign group memberships. Hi, For 1 of my requirement, this query is very useful. Learn more, Members of this group can perform all task in all of the BI platform applications(CMC, CCM, Publishing Wizard, and BI launch pad). Hello All, We have been play around with the Query Builder a bit and noticed an oddity I guess. This CAL is then applied to the group, with the group as the principal. In visual studio after all the objects are created and an app created with Cntl Shift B. it working fine but when I press . If you are an SAP BusinessObjects BI Platform Administrator and looking to find out Empty Groups, or List Sub Groups and Users inside groups, following are the queries which will help in that aspect. Is the table correct? The Project Information and Innovation Management (PIIM) team will include an Insights and Analytics team responsible for aggregating and analyzing project data, developing automated reporting processes and client-required reports, maintaining high quality and insightful analytics, and assisting with the managing records across the project. Click the Actions menu, and select Join Group. Does a summoned creature play immediately after being summoned by a ready action? I tried your query, "To extract all the report names from specific folder". Each row in the text file defines a single record. According to this doc, Intune comes with "pre-created" All Users and All Devices groups to which I can assign policies and apps. FROM CI_SYSTEMOBJECTS WHERE SI_KIND= Event, SI_SCHEDULEINFO.SI_DEPENDENCIES.SI_TOTAL > 0, SELECT SI_NAME, SI_OWNER, SI_AUTHOR, SI_SCHEDULEINFO, SI_PARENT_FOLDER, SELECT * FROM CI_INFOOBJECTS, CI_SYSTEMOBJECTS, CI_APPOBJECTS, SELECT SI_ID, SI_NAME, SI_KIND, SI_USERGROUPS FROM CI_SYSTEMOBJECTS. user 01ABCDE has 5 assigned user groups but return list displays 19(!) I am executing the below query but separately.But not sure how to find the relation between the user and the user group. There are few default Group accounts in SAP BO environment, as explained below , You can also create a new Group by navigating to Users and Groups tab in CMC Console New Group and provide Group name and description as below . To bulk create groups and users in BusinessObjects, you can create a CSV file with the information and import the file into the Central Management Console. The category Discovery and Analysis is about providing your business users the tools which they need to leverage the information, analyze the data, finding outliers and trends, and use from . Please leverage it as per your requirement. You can use the DB system tables like v$sql for oracle. For 1 of my requirement, this query is very useful. Managing BO environment in a large enterprise is one of biggest challenge for System Administrators. Currently, we are having 1K report on LaunchPad, and Need a tool that accepts the table's name. BI, 4.2, bi, java, sdk, export, excel, csv, xls, xlsx, list all users. BusinessObjects (BO) is a Business intelligence (BI) software from SAP to create interactive ad-hoc reports for users on SAP and non-SAP data sources. 3: In case you do not have write access on C: Drive, change the path of the output excel file to the location where your User credential has access on that box. In BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.1, it was possible to create Enterprise groups and user accounts by importing a TXT file via the Import Wizard. How to access Users and Groups data from SAP BO 4.1,, How Intuit democratizes AI development across teams through reusability. Then in the OnStart you would pull that list into a collection (e.g. I recommend you to delete it and recreate it again after checking the status of SYSVOL replication between all domain controllers in the domain. page. Legal Disclosure | xp_logininfo 'MyDomain\WindowsGroupName', members. Find Windows Appx Package names using PowerShell. Could you please help to find out that info using query builder or cms database. Privacy | The following user groups help maintain the security rights and privileges for the types of users who have accounts in BusinessObjects: For Suite Analysis Center users, each user account in Suite must be associated with a unique BusinessObjects user account/password. Select 'New group' in the Groups page. 2965905-How to get a list of Subgroups and Users for a particular Group with the BI platform CMS sample universe. Configuring Minimum Permissions for Named Accounts describes the permissions needed for each type of user of BusinessObjects within Suite. On the Central Management Console, select Users and Groups from the CMC Home menu. Devise or modify procedures to solve complex problems considering business and/or system limitations, operating time, and form . AD Group: Domain_name\Group_Name. How to show that an expression of a finite type must be one of the finitely many possible values? On the BI platform, there is a REST API for this kind of operations, It is well documented in their own documentation, but you could also for a starter, take a look at my blog post her and check out the example I've made in GitHub With more options still available in the Audit DB like this, we have to deep dive in to get more things out of the Audit Universe which can really reduce work of BO Admin. Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Overview | Guided Tour . Click on the group to assign to the users. Once a user account is created, you can assign groups to which the user account will belong to the user account. Hi, What is best way to get list of groups and users in those groups? Query for users: On BO 4, I find that the following SQL runs fine. rev2023.3.3.43278. Hello I hope you can help me I need to export or get a list of the users and groups created through CMC. Alerting is not available for unauthorized users, Right click and copy the link to share this comment. Either way you could export the list and pull the file path in for the script to refer against, though you may want to avoid that altogether. The Hackett Group, a leading global strategy and operations consulting firm, helps clients generate more value from their Oracle applications through business advisory consulting, world-class implementations, and post go live support. Using the given KB, you can query the CMS DB to get the correct results. | SAP Blogs, How to get list of groups user belongs to. Choose 'Security' as the preferred Group Type and choose 'Dynamic user' as the membership type. One of the following permissions is required to call this API. That is not the actual situation! You can use one of the following methods to add users and groups in the Central Management Console: The BusinessObjects Central Management Console contains tools that allow you to create a root folder that can be used to store all Suite reports and Analysis Center reports.

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business objects list users in group
